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Lusitano Broodmares

June De Corbeaux

Author: Jody Hartstone/Sunday, May 29, 2022/Categories: Lusitano Broodmares

June De Corbeaux
JUNE DES CORBEAUX out of Augura and Vencedor do Retiro was purchased from Elevage Lusitano LP in Belgium.  She been graded with 71,25%.
June won a gold medal and the "Grand Prix Ottello" (best Lusitano born and breed in Belgium) when she was 1 year old.  She is a double dilute (Perlino) and has no grey gene.

We purchased June in foal to LUXOR DA SERNADINHA however we sadly lost this beautiful Palomino colt foal before he was one month of age.

June is busy providing Ali Baba embryos for freezing and insemination into recipient mares.

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