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Author: SuperUser Account/Monday, January 18, 2016/Categories: Broodmares
2006 born bay mare by Landioso out of Spidery by Wesserwolf / Haajji (XX) Bred by Hartstone Equestrian Ltd / Karioi Sport Horses Classified NZWA with a score of 79%
Luxor was broken in as a three year old and has since then been used to breed quality competition horses. She was awarded the prize for the highest ranked mare in NZ during the 2010 NZ Warmblood Association classification tour scored by the German based assessor. She has produced the wonderful mare Winslet by Whisper who is currently winning many championships in dressage. Her second foal “Hidden Gold” is a rare Smokey Black colour being by the cremello warmblood SP Blue Eyed Ghost. Her third foal is the gorgeous Whisper colt “Wiseman” born in 2015.
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