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Author: Jody Hartstone/Friday, February 16, 2024/Categories: For Sale, Lusitanos For Sale, Lusitano Youngstock
A rare gem!
Ulo is the product of the Smokey Grullo Lusitano Inefavel out of the chestnut daughter of Ali Baba and Perla Cruzeiro Do Sul.
His colour is Bay Dun and his colour genetics are: A/a cr/cr E/e and he carries one Dun gene.
He is an exquisite looking foal with the primitive marking of barring on the legs and a dorsal stripe. He should mature to be a perfect height for Working Equitation (around 15.3hh) and he has the temperament, turn of speed, intelligence, and flexibility to excel in this sport.
He is a friendly and well-mannered colt - and like any of our horses he can be paid off with a deposit to secure him and he can be flown to Australia soon after weaning.
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