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Introducing Wunders-Tag WONDERFUL DAY!

Author: SuperUser Account/Thursday, December 22, 2011/Categories: Blog

Introducing Wunders-Tag WONDERFUL DAY!

Im uber-excited to announce that almost a year after loosing our wonderful Weltmeyer stallion Whisper, Erin Mortimer and I have found a lovely horse to follow on from where Whisper left off. And best of all the new boy is a grandson of Weltmeyer himself.

New Zealand, meet Wunders-Tag - a 16.3hh Hanoverian gelding by Wolkendanz out of an Andiamo mare. "Wookie" is a 12 year old who has competed just one Grand Prix test in his careeer thus far.

Less than three weeks ago a friend of mine Jan Milne (a kiwi equine photographer based in the UK) came on board to help in my quest to find a new equine partner. She went straight to the top and phoned no other than Carl Hester to ask if he knew of anything horses available in Britain. He mentioned a horse he rated as quite a talent, Wonders-Tag, who was owned by a pupil of his.

I didnt hesitate, just jumped on the Big Bird (yet again!) and headed to Europe for the third time in nearly as many months. I arrived at London Heathrow on December 10th and caught a bus up to Jan's place. The next morning we set off on the three hour drive to Carl Hester's yard. Excitement!

Using words like "in awe" doesnt really cut it when you step on to a yard which is the home to two of the World's leading dressage riders. I will tell you one thing, it was bloody great! It is a fantastic set up, hot water wash, solarium, indoor and outdoor schools and even a Magnum horse walker from New Zealand!

I was a little nervous climbing aboard "Wookie" for my first ever ride - Carl had warmed him up for me so i could see him go, then it was up to me. I was seriously hoping that my flight of 30 hours was going to be worthwhile. I wasnt disappointed! A good walk, lovely soft trot, easy canter and a good piaffe passage tour. I felt immediately at home, and I knew that he was a horse I could really bring along in his training given time.

Carl gave me a lesson on him, and again the next day. And even luckier for me (as if that all wasn't lucky enough!) I ended up with a third lesson too! People ask me what a lesson with Carl Hester was like - I say totally brilliant - he has a great teaching style and his theories go hand in hand with what I have been taught through my work with Dr McLean. Reins for stop, legs for go etc etc. One of my favorite quotes that Carl said to me was "Your reins are as long as the gap between the North and the South Islands!" - I soon fixed that!

After a quick call back to Erin in New Zealand I went ahead and got Wookie vetted, and I'm very excited to say he is now ours! Let the games begin!

My plan is to fly back over to the UK to ride Wookie under the guidance of Carl, and I hope to compete at some shows in France and the UK and Germany before we ship him home. So although I'm back here for Christmas, London is calling and I ship out once again on January 20th.

Just before I flew home (10 days away in total) I was lucky enough to go with Jan to Olympia where we had Press passes. Below are some photos, some taken by Jan and some by me, of Olympia - the showjumping was fab, the dressage spectacular. And the shopping - well.... And all in the very heart of London at Christmas time.

I'm feeling very lucky indeed to have such a lovely horse at my disposal and I thank Erin Mortimer from the bottom of my heart for being such a great supporter. The next few months will be a huge period of discovery and challenge for me competing in Europe - but hell, you only live once and I would rather it was me doing it than someone else!

I wish you all a happy and safe festive season....

PS In case you are wondering - Wunders-Dag is the big chestnut with Carl on in some photos and me in the others - I love the pic Jan Milne took of him and I out for a hack up the lane... Yes - it is blooming cold there in winter!

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