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Jody's Blog

Winslet - Born to be a Star!

Author: SuperUser Account/Tuesday, March 1, 2011/Categories: Blog

Winslet - Born to be a Star!

Having foals born is an exciting time for any breeder - wondering just what colour they will turn out to be, what sex, and with what markings. Well in January we had an extra-special delivery - our first (and only for this season) Whisper foal was born.

Because Whisper arrived with us so late in the breeding season last year we only put a few mares to him. One of these was own own three year old mare Luxor (Landioso / Wesserwolf / Haajii) who is simply a stunning mover.

The much awaited foal was born a couple of weeks early - typical as I was away in Wairoa at a jumping show - 8 long hours from home. Dad rang me to report that there was an extra edition in the paddock, and that all appeared well. Unfortunately late the next evening it became apparent that all was not well - and that the foal hadn't been drinking. I felt so hopeless stuck over on the other coast - trying to think of who I could call to help out my well meaning but non-horsey parents with a somewhat difficult young maiden mare.

I suddenly thought of a girl Kate who only lives 30 minutes from my barn. It was already getting dark and I knew time was of the essence. Kate got there around the same time as the vet and helped to sedate the mare, run fluids into the foal and most importantly she camped out in my house all night regularly checking that the foal was now able to feed on her own. I promised Kate the foal would be named after her - but needing a "W" name from her sire - I immediately chose Winslet - as in Kate Winslet movie star!

Once I arrived home from the show I was delighted to see a well conformed dark brown / black filly with lots of white markings. As pretty as her namesake too!

I got the vet to run some bloods on her to check her IgG levels - they were very low so she was given a plasma infusion and is now as good as new. We look forward to showing her off to the many visitors we get through the farm here, and one day hope that she will bring me the success her sire and grand-sire did.

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