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Jody's Blog

Seville - Southern Spain’s Great City

Author: SuperUser Account/Wednesday, August 8, 2012/Categories: Blog

Seville - Southern Spain’s Great City

I thought I would tell you about another great city in Spain. Over the past year my travels in search of a horse have taken me to many great places in Spain - Madrid, Barcelona, Toledo, Caceres, Salamanca, Segovia and Valencia to name a few. However it is only recently I ventured further south to Andalusia to the city of Seville.

My first thoughts on Seville as I caught a taxi from the train station to my hotel was just how much like Los Angeles it was on the main roads thru the city - huge palm trees were everywhere and big mansions just like in the Beverly Hills. Soon however I was seeing the most incredible Muslim / Arabic influences in the buildings and I had to remember that Spain isn't just olive trees and Sangria, it has a rich history that has been shaped by the Romans, Moors, Iberians, Arabs, Jews and Christians alike.

Although I was there to look at prospective stallions to import to New Zealand - a bit of sightseeing never goes astray - after a siesta. It's so bloody hot in Spain in the middle of the day that sleeping till 4pm is a great option. I got a taxi into the centre of the city and began an unguided walking tour. Map in hand I proceeded to walk the streets - getting lost and only finding half of the streets and building I was looking for. Then I spotted a strange looking Spanish guy giving a walking tour - with much glee I joined in and thankfully they had only just started. I never caught his name but he reminded me of Sasha Barron-Cohen's character Borat! He's the one in the green T-shirt in the pics below.

I loved all the horse drawn carriages that fill the streets of Seville - I'm happy to report the horses on the whole were in great condition, but many of their noses bear the scars of the serrated metal nosebands often use in these parts. It was fun to see the drivers sleeping on the job, taking a siesta in their carriages, cleaning the carriages and brushing the horses. They get up to a fair old clip trotting through the streets carrying tourists with more coin than me to the sights of Seville.

The Bull Ring was one of my favourite places to visit - we didn't go in but from the outside it sure was impressive.... Seville is a vibrant city with a fascinating history - it's full of Tapas, Sangria, Flamenco and Bulls - everything quintessentially Spanish. I'm not going to tell you anything else - I don't want to spoil it for you but the photos are a sneak preview - book that aeroplane ticket today!

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