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Jody's Blog

Donnerwind - a beautiful soul has gone and left us....

Author: SuperUser Account/Tuesday, June 25, 2013/Categories: Blog

Donnerwind - a beautiful soul has gone and left us....

I write this blog thru tears, both of sadness and appreciation for a wonderful wonderful stallion that has just passed on to yonder pastures. When I woke up this morning here in Portugal I checked my phone and there was a text from my wonderful vet Noel Power to say that Donnerwind had suffered a torsion colic and had to be destroyed. He was twenty two and had had a long good life, but still I feel he left me too soon and I am pained that I never got to say goodbye.

Donnerwind's life with me started as a dream. I spent many hours daydreaming that one day I would find another stallion for my stud to be alongside Landioso. I wanted an older grand prix stallion of good breeding and with great progeny. But on a very limited budget would this be possible? I dreamed of a Dutch farmer who would have a special horse tucked away in the back garden, a special family horse that they would like to see live out his years in the green pastures of New Zealand.

I remember the day we met some six or seven years ago in Holland. He was at his family stables - owned by the old Dutch farmer in my visions. Donerwind was simply beautiful. I had been trying big heavy German horses and they were so hard to ride - I stepped aboard Donnerwind and he was so light and easy, sensitive and willing. He was a dream horse for a lady. He was the pride and joy of the Njenhuis family. They bred him out of their best mare Furinde and he won a gold medal at the foal approvals - he was destined to be a star.

His career took him to the Bundeschampionate where he was third against the best young horses Germany has to offer. He had many riders over his career including Jana Freund and for a small while Coby van Baalen. He had two licenced sons who were both Grand Prix stallions and one of them Danny Wilde was a superstar in his own right.

With careful thought and some negotiation a partial sale was made and the Njenhuis family waved goodbye to their wonderful boy who at age 15 was heading to the other side of the globe. I was sent a wonderful photo of the family and groom together with Donnerwnd the day he left Holland. I really treasure this and the family have become my friends for life. Opa (Grandad) Njenhuis gave me the gold medal Donnerwind won as a foal and I have treasured this as it means so much to a breeder. Every time I visit Europe I go and see Donnerwind's family without fail. We laugh together, we cry together, and most of all we talk about the wonderful horse that bought us together. Every Christmas we make contact and when Opa passed away I remember crying when I got the text - just like this morning. Life is given, then it is taken away.

Donnerwind was the perfect gentleman. He had his quirky ways that I will never forget. Like a front foot that could strike 5 foot in the air. He was gentle and kind and would never bite like some stallions would do.

The best test I ever rode on him was the Prix St Georges test at Nationals about three years ago - it was truely foot perfect and the Olympic judge from Canada had us placed first and said to her writer that he was "a truely international quality St Georges horse". She was dammed right! That test he just floated, never missing a beat. I gave not one half halt, took not one check. He was simply devine to ride that day and a better test I dont think I will ever ride.

I rememeber two years ago for Equidays I pulled him out of the paddock as I'd been away in Europe, with less than a week's work after 6 months off he wowed the crowds there and really was a star. It only ever took a few days riding to get him up and going after time away - so generous was his spirit.

He was always a star at the Horse of the Year Show - one year in the night show he and I went out with Kallista Field on her mare who got quite frightened in the atmosphere. Donnerwind was a true legend and performed foot perfectly in front of the huge crowd, and even joined Harold the Horse for a bit of a pas de deux.

Eventer Donna Smith took him in the fun Challenge class and he impressed everyone with his jumping and dressage prowess as a 20 year old. He was so much fun to ride.

He was awesome on the beach, perfect on the road, and in his later years was a super schoolmaster to give lessons on. The day before his death he was giving my American friend Ainsley some lessons in the two tempi changes and canter piroettes. Always the gentleman to ride, and never a bad word spoken. Ainsley nursed him in his final hours and got to say the goodbyes that I could not.

Donnerwind I will miss your gentle nature and wonderful spirit. Till we meet again my friend...

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